4 Reasons to Prioritize Electric Vehicles After COVID-19
4 Reasons to Prioritize Electric Vehicles After COVID-19
COVID-19 has affected almost all aspects of transportation. For the public sector, economic shutdowns have gutted the tax revenue needed to buy and maintain government vehicle fleets. Perhaps no municipal entity has been hit harder than public transit agencies, which ...
How Oslo Achieved Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Fatalities, and How Others Can Apply What Worked
How Oslo Achieved Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Fatalities, and How Others Can Apply What Worked
In 2015, the City of Oslo, Norway, made a commitment after years of rising transportation injuries to reduce car traffic and prioritize the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and the environment. Unlike in the United States and other countries where transportation ...
Green Space: An Underestimated Tool to Create More Equal Cities
Green Space: An Underestimated Tool to Create More Equal Cities
As coronavirus restrictions ease around the world, many consider a walk around their neighborhood for some fresh air to be a welcome break from confinement. However, socioeconomic status could greatly affect the landscapes people find on these strolls, particularly in how much ...
Forests Near or Far Can Protect Water for Cities
Forests Near or Far Can Protect Water for Cities
水is essential to human health and well-being. In cities, leaders strive to provide secure access to clean, safe and affordable water. In rural areas, farmers hope for adequate rain and healthy rivers to produce healthy crops. The coronavirus pandemic ...
6 Keys to Turn Coastal Resilience Plans into Action
6 Keys to Turn Coastal Resilience Plans into Action
Cyclone Amphan slammed into countries surrounding the Sea of Bengal this May. The storm was the second most powerful the region has seen in two decades, affecting over 12 million people in four countries. In Bangladesh, the water surged up to 4 ...
California Shows How the U.S. Can Reduce Transport Emissions
California Shows How the U.S. Can Reduce Transport Emissions
California will require that all new passenger cars and trucks sold in the state be emissions-free by 2035 – a move that is expected to lead to more than a 35% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and an 80% cut in ...
Accelerating Recovery for People Through Building Energy Efficiency
Accelerating Recovery for People Through Building Energy Efficiency
This article originally appeared in Energy Efficiency Magazine as part of a series of responses about energy efficiency’s role in global economic recovery from COVID-19. Energy-efficient buildings are an important key to unlocking recovery from the health and economic crises ...
As the UN Turns 75, Countries Should Embrace a Shared Vision of a Fairer, Safer and More Sustainable Future
As the UN Turns 75, Countries Should Embrace a Shared Vision of a Fairer, Safer and More Sustainable Future
今年是75周年Nations – an institution created in the wake of World War II, when the world was looking to emerge from a tragic era filled with conflict and political and economic turmoil. ...
4 Priorities for Climate Action and Social Equity in the COVID-19 Recovery
4 Priorities for Climate Action and Social Equity in the COVID-19 Recovery
The COVID-19 crisis has shown how deep inequalities make society as a whole more vulnerable – providing important lessons for building resilience in an era of climate change. The people most exposed to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic ...
Local Climate Action in U.S. Proves Resilient to COVID-19
Local Climate Action in U.S. Proves Resilient to COVID-19
In spite of a global pandemic and the worst economic conditions in nearly a century, U.S. states, cities and businesses are continuing to lead the fight against climate change. A new report by America’s Pledge provides crucial evidence that state ...